Champlain Celebrations
From 2003 to 2011, the COVABAR
highlights the 400th anniversary of the coming of Samuel de Champlain on
River Richelieu with celebrations on the whole territory of the catchment
area of River Richelieu and of the Champlain Lake.
The goals for these Champlain Celebrations are:
- Highlight historic importance of the coming of Champlain
- Reinforce the pride feeling of people
- Promote the catchment area of River Richelieu on sustainable development
point of view
- Formalize the international heritage passageway Richelieu / Champlain
- Leave the memory of celebrations for the next generations
- Increase the visibility of the region in the Quebec and around the world
The day arrested for the opening of the Champlain celebrations was the 29th
Juny (2003), the day that Champlain made a stop in Saint-Ours. An exact
and historical reconstruction was made.