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L'Espace découverte en Pays de Cognac :


"This place is a modern interpretation centre that invites visitors to discover more about Cognac country. The centre is on the site of the very oldest cognac company, the Maison Augier, which was founded in 1643. It is an excellent starting point for visiting the region and the town of Cognac itself - the birthplace of King François 1er and Jean Monnet, one of the founding fathers of Europe."

La Route des tonneaux et canons:

Created in 2003, "La Route des tonneaux et canons" proposes a reconstruction of the route of a cargo of navy's barrels and artillery of the 18th century, by ground and river ways. This route reminds the importance of this way on the economic, social and cultural development of the Charente catchment area. "La Route des tonneaux et canons" leans of this famous past as vector of local development.

La Rochelle University:





La Rochelle University proposes, since 2005, a professional Master : Heritage, New Technologies and International Tourism. There objectives are to form professional having skills in languages and in computing for the promotion and the tourist development of a product, a place, a territory.



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