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Climate of the Richelieu Catchment Area

The Richelieu Catchment area benefits from a more clement climate than the rest of Quebec, because of its geographic location (cose to the ocean). The climate is temperate continental.

In the south of the basin, the winters are mild (-12°C) and the summers cool (influence of the Champlain lake) and the difference between the temperatures is reduced. The rain is quite heavy during the summer (920 mm a year, and 30 to 40 % of it in the summer).

Everywhere else, the average temperature is of – 15,2 °C in january and 26,4°C in july. The difference between the temperatures is quite important : it’s a 30° C difference. The wind blows at a speed of 15 to 18 km/h. The period of frost lasts between 120 and 140 days : it is shorter than in other regions of Quebec.


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