The bassin of the fleuve Charente is mainly rural. Half the population lives in towns with less than 2 000 inhabitants. In the valley of the river Charente, one can find the four main towns (Rochefort, Saintes, Cognac and Angoulême), this area is industrialized and quite populated.
The inside land of the basin is mostly rural.
The population on the coast (Atlantic coast) on the contrary, is quite dense.
See typology of space
See Distribution of the population in basins of life
The population in the area of La Rochelle-Surgères is growing a lot. So it is along the coast and in the villages located along the river Charente .
However, there is a downward trend in demography in the Charente part of the Basin (Haute Saintonge, Civraisien, sud mellois, St Jean d'Angély).

See map of migration natural balance
See map of evolution of the population
Young people (20 to 35 years old) concentrate more in big towns (Rochefort, Saintes, Cognac , Angoulême), while old people (retired people and and those over 60) live more in areas joining the urban life and the coast. (seaside areas are attractive places to set up second as well as main homes). The coastal area is therefore a zone with a strong demographic dynamism.
On the opposite, the population in the valley of the river Charente is decreasing, despite an industrial asset in towns such as Rouillac, Mansle, Jarnac, Segonzac and even Cognac
Furthur inside of the basin, the population is sensibly growing old and the density is down (Melle, pays Civraisien, Nord Saintonge, Ruffécois, Charente Limousine). Quite often, now, second homes are replacing main homes.
Voir See map of the typology of space per age