
1  What's the name of this animal ?

  solution   (Careful, if you click here, you'll have no point for the question).

1       Eel
2       Alosa fallax fallax
3       Lamprey
4       Coypu

2  What does the kingfisher eat ?

  solution    (Careful, if you click here, you'll have no point for the question).

 1        Small fishes
 2        Shells
 3        Sea weed
 4        Worm

3  When was the coypu brought in France?

  solution    (Careful, if you click here, you'll have no point for the question).

 1        In 15th century
 2        In 18th century
 3        In 19th century
 4        In 20th century

4  What are the dangers of the Brazilian water milfoil ?

  solution    (Careful, if you click here, you'll have no point for the question).

 1        It's an enormous plant which kills fishes
 2        It's an invasive plant which suffocates other animal and vegetal species
 3        It's dirty plan which gives a dark colour to the water
 4        It's a plant which hangs on the fishermen's hook

5  What are the 3 main types of pollution ?

  solution    (Careful, if you click here, you'll have no point for the question).

 1        Human pollution, factories pollution and farm pollution
 2        Black tide, plastic bags and glass bottles
 3        Domestic pollution, manufacturer pollution and agricultural pollution
 4        Animal pollution , vegetal pollution and bacterial pollution

6  How many liters of domestic and collective waste water are produced per day and per inhabitant ?

  solution    (Careful, if you click here, you'll have no point for the question).

 1        150 liters
 2        400 liters
 3        850 liters
 4        1000 liters

7  How many tons of toxic waste are produced along the river Charente, per year ?

  solution   (Careful, if you click here, you'll have no point for the question).

 1        5420 tons
 2        6347 tons
 3        8700 tons
 4        9600 tons

8  Which culture is the most polluting ?

  solution    (Careful, if you click here, you'll have no point for the question).

 1       Wine culture
 2        Cereal culture
 3        Bovine breeding
 4        Ovine breeding

9  When was the last big flood of the river Charente ?

  solution    (Careful, if you click here, you'll have no point for the question).

 1        1961
 2        1982
 3        1994
 4        2001

10  What is a low-water mark?

  solution    (Careful, if you click here, you'll have no point for the question).

 1        A dam
 2        A period of low tide
 3        A flood
 4        A lock


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