1 What's the name of this animal ?
solution (Careful, if you click here, you'll have no point for the question).
1 Eel 2 Alosa fallax fallax 3 Lamprey 4 Coypu
2 What does the kingfisher eat ?
3 When was the coypu brought in France?
4 What are the dangers of the Brazilian water milfoil ?
5 What are the 3 main types of pollution ?
6 How many liters of domestic and collective waste water are produced per day and per inhabitant ?
7 How many tons of toxic waste are produced along the river Charente, per year ?
8 Which culture is the most polluting ?
9 When was the last big flood of the river Charente ?
10 What is a low-water mark?
T=True F=False result :